Thursday, March 01, 2007

Work Experience...

All next week i'm supposed to be on work experience...what a farce that has been! First of all i was supposed to go to city beat (local radio station) and then i was supposed to go to ANOTHER local radio station...and then iw as gonna go to some recording studio...each time they all stopped responding except the recording studio who said they weren't ready to take people on as yet because it's a pretty new project. So now for a week i'm doing work for dad...which will be interesting, i worked for him before briefly...and i mean briefly but occasionally i go and do some stuff (wow my spelling is bad)'ll be interesting, i'm hoping to spend most of the week doing coursework as i'm REALLY behind now and i'm not just takes forever, but i'll get it done. ....School is becoming such a hassle haha.



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