Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Xbox 360

I have to say, i have never found a better games console...EVER. it really is a great product...Microsoft are really on to something special with this, forget the PS3...Xbox 360 has much more to offer and it's available now. The new Nintendo Wii's current rival in the console world...or is it? Nintendo are also on to something pretty good with a whole new concept of playing video games with the Wii-mote...really makes me consider how much gaming has advanced since the Nintendo 64.

Just when you thought single player gaming was as good as it gets...the Xbox introduces Xbox Live, where you can communicate and play with your friends you might be thinking 'oh wait, the PS2 had that too' ...but let me tell you, i've tried both...and Xbox live really makes the PS2 bog standard online play look like dial up sitting next to 11mb ADSL! Xbox live has so many features with plenty of cool stuff to offer, chat with friends (message or voice), game dependent online features, too much stuff to mention. Let's start with a few games and their online features.

Call of Duty can build an army of friends online to compete against or with each other to beat the computer...or another army constructed by someone half way across the world...whilst playing you can chat with each other online using the headset provided with the xbox. That's just the tip of the ice berg.

Pro in a league with or against each other, play in a quick match.....

...There really is too much to offer and it such a great gaming experience that you really have to try it out for yourself to get the gist of it.

I played today from about 2pm untl 00.30am :D


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